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Skin Clear
for beautiful skin through the power of nature...                                         

Skin C lear

Why use it?

....Because it works! Before the recipe was lost centuries ago this natural skin care cream was fabled for its efficacy all over the ancient world. Why? For the reason that this cream harnesses the power of nature in combination with the millennia old science of Ayurveda to clear skin imperfections, promote healthy and beautiful skin like no other cream you will ever use. This all natural skin cream will help clear away: PIMPLES, BLEMISHES, BLACKHEADS, SKIN IRRITATIONS, SKIN IMPERFECTIONS, DRY SKIN & all the while giving you healthier, smoother, softer skin. 

We here at Simply Natural will never offer a skin care product that isn't 100% Natural, the reason for that is simple. The largest organ in our body is the skin; so everything we apply or use gets absorbed into our bodies via pores in the skin. Now take a look at the cream you use, notice that more than halve of the ingredients listed are chemical names such as: glycol, petrolatum, silica, methyl thrimebhicone, octydodecanol, isopropyl titanium trisostearate, magnesium sulphate. These are chemicals created in labs; that no matter how much testing has been done aren't healthy for the body as they are not natural components, but rather foreign entities not part of your body. Our ingredients (listed below) compromise of no more than 10 ingredients, of which halve are natural Ayurvedic herbs with medicinal properties. Absent of chemicals concocted to artificially achieve the results that we achieve naturally. 

Why              Matters?

What is it?

Skin Clear is a skin care cream made from 100% Natural and Vegan ingredients following a recipe millennia old. This recipe originated from the 5000 year old natural medicine known as Ayurveda. However, as with many wonders' of ancient times, it seemed to have been lost to the annals of history. With nothing but a whisper to go on we set of to where the stories said its origin lay, the continent of Asia. After a decade of combing through archaic texts, false trails and dead ends. We found it: written in an ancient language called sanskrit, a recipe for "रस श्रीक" which translated means "the elixir of beauty". So now after this long and arduous journey: Simply Natural is proud to offer you the natural way for truly beautiful skin.  

How To Use?

For the best results, apply daily and store in a cool place. This all natural skin cream is hypoallergenic and can also be used on sensitive skin. Only fo external use. 

100% Unrefined Organic Shea Butter 20%,100% Pure Avocado oil (VitaminA,B1,B2&D)10%, Natural Ayurvedic Herbs: Maricha 30%, Manjishta 15%, Sariva 15%,Tila talia oil 10%.



"These herbs are harvested according to the ancient recipe; straight from the forests all around Asia where they have been growing for millennia now."

Our Ingredients?

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